Countdown to Voting!

0 Days
9 Hours
59 Minutes
59 Seconds

Election 2023

The University election will take place during the week of April 17th with voting held Monday – Thursday and results posted on Friday.

Students and staff will receive a link in their University email to vote. Each student will be able to vote twice: one vote for the University Council and one vote for their respective Faculty Council.

If you would like run for a council position with the DSP, click the button below to apply! Applications are due before March 5th 23:59!

Apply Here!

University Politics and why they Matter

How can I make my voice heard? Who can I contact to voice my concerns? How can I contribute to the direction of the university and my faculty?

In his article for BAISmag, Max writes about why your vote in the 2022 election can actually make a difference

Read the Full Article Here

2022 Election

The election took place the week of May 9th 2022, where the DSP was present throughout the University campaigning.

The DSP was successful in winning a seat on the University Council. DSP also won one seat on both the Faculty of Humanities Council and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Council!

Click the link to see the full results!

Our 2022 Manifesto

Click the button below to view our manifesto!